3/1/07 - Day 7
An early start for Sean, as he was flying out to Munich this morning - 4am or thereabouts, poor thing! He made it safely to his destination. The choir met at the hotel for a 9.30am departure for our daytrip to Canterbury Cathedral. There was much to-ing and fro-ing as we got ready to leave, with the realisation that we couldn't fit all the robes in the cabin of the bus, so we had to take them all off and stow them in the undercarriage. Once this palaver was over, we then got underway, and a most informed tourguide pointed out items of interest along the way. One thing I've noticed is that compared to Australia, this country has so much more history. We seem like a child, compared to this isle that is so steeped in years of wars, conquerors, liberations and uprising. I also had gotten a cold (probably from the rude bitch sitting to my left at Avenue Q, who was coughing all over me, with her hand nowhere near her mouth!), so was sniffing and blowing all the way there. Thank you Sam, for putting up with me.

Our rather high-brow "Christ Church St Laurence International Tour" destination board.
Once we disembarked from our bus, we were taken in through the old city walls, through to the Cathedral, and what a beautiful building it is. Different parts of the building were constructed at different times, thus there are different styles (Roman and Early Gothic) of architecture involved.

Canterbury Cathedral
No-one seemed to know what was going on, and the vergers looked like they weren't even expecting us, but on we went, despite confusion reigning supreme. We were then taken on a tour of the city itself, by our tour guide from the bus. There's some lovely ye-olde-worlde charm about the place, with the delightful Stour River, which the city sits upon, literally!

Stour River

Stour River again
There are also a lot of Vicki Pollard chav girls in Canterbury (yeah, but no, but yeah), some of which we gazed upon whilst eating our lovely pub lunch (which included fried bread - yummo!). I also purchased a scarf (!). We reconvened in the Chapter House, firstly for a tour of the Cathedral (I'll scream if I hear anything more about Thomas Beckett!), then to run through some of the unaccompanied music for Evensong, and found myself unable to sing anything above an F, due to my cold. I decided to sit out today's service, and instead turned pages for Andrew MacMillan (aka Trixie). The instrument at Canterbury isn't much to speak of, which was a bit disappointing. After Evensong, we went to a lovely Italian restaurant, then boarded the bus back to London. Exhausted, I went to bed!

Our rather high-brow "Christ Church St Laurence International Tour" destination board.
Once we disembarked from our bus, we were taken in through the old city walls, through to the Cathedral, and what a beautiful building it is. Different parts of the building were constructed at different times, thus there are different styles (Roman and Early Gothic) of architecture involved.

Canterbury Cathedral
No-one seemed to know what was going on, and the vergers looked like they weren't even expecting us, but on we went, despite confusion reigning supreme. We were then taken on a tour of the city itself, by our tour guide from the bus. There's some lovely ye-olde-worlde charm about the place, with the delightful Stour River, which the city sits upon, literally!

Stour River

Stour River again
There are also a lot of Vicki Pollard chav girls in Canterbury (yeah, but no, but yeah), some of which we gazed upon whilst eating our lovely pub lunch (which included fried bread - yummo!). I also purchased a scarf (!). We reconvened in the Chapter House, firstly for a tour of the Cathedral (I'll scream if I hear anything more about Thomas Beckett!), then to run through some of the unaccompanied music for Evensong, and found myself unable to sing anything above an F, due to my cold. I decided to sit out today's service, and instead turned pages for Andrew MacMillan (aka Trixie). The instrument at Canterbury isn't much to speak of, which was a bit disappointing. After Evensong, we went to a lovely Italian restaurant, then boarded the bus back to London. Exhausted, I went to bed!
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